
Posts Tagged ‘hint mag’


Hussein Chalayan, verão 08

Hussein Chalayan, um dos maiores designers de moda dos nossos tempos (por nossos tempos entenda-se pós-década de 80) deu uma entrevista para a Hint Mag, uma revista digital beeeeeem bacana, que qualquer um que se interessa por moda deveria conhecer, sobre a retrospectiva dos trabalhos dele em exposição no London Design Museum, de 22 de janeiro à 17 de maio.

É daquelas coisas que o ideal seria ver ao vivo, mas já que Londres está um pouco longe e o preço da libra baixou, mas nem tanto que fique cogitável dar um pulinho na Inglaterra, vale ler a entrevista pra conhecer um pouco mais sobre este estilista nascido no Chipre, radicado no Reino Unido:

For me, and for a lot of people, the experience of watching your shows is very emotional.

Yes, because I am very emotional.

And yet they are quite technical and technological. How do you manage to reconcile the emotional with the technological? Which comes first?

I am both an emotional and rational person. I am really split between the two. I start a collection emotionally, and then my reasoning makes it happen. I have this storytelling, poetic part of my brain, and then the functional side takes over to physically realize all those ideas, along with my team. This comes from my mother’s family, the idea of looking at things and reading into them. It’s a bit like coffee-cup reading. Looking at something and giving it another interpretation is something I inherited. But I learned how to do things through my British education”

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